I played a game called mount and blade: warband, which is a pretty cool game . someone made a mod for it where at a random given time, a huge threat invaded the whole realm as a superior force. Attacking and absorbing a certain amout of the realm before it kinda died down and just became another realm. The thing is it so upset the vanilla game I never went back to it, was just to much fun and intrigue. Not sure that could be even pulled off in this type game but it was definitely a changer and made it better and funner. example Everyone stopped attacking one and another and had to concentrate on this newest dangerous threat. I believe if anyone has played that mod i'm talking about would agree.
Most weaknesses have been addressed in the past posts, to which I mostly agree with all of them. But, to me main one is a player can just plain colonize way to fast upsetting balance of game. All civs should be persueing aggressive expansion in my opinion.
I haven't played Mount and Blade: warband but know of it. I can definitely attest to the power of mods though. If I get a chance to play this game I'll look at the mods.
tcmots wrote:Most weaknesses have been addressed in the past posts, to which I mostly agree with all of them. But, to me main one is a player can just plain colonize way to fast upsetting balance of game. All civs should be persueing aggressive expansion in my opinion.
The Ai expansion (colonization) rate is based on the game difficulty setting. The higher the difficulty the less picky they are (the threshold is set lower to consider the value of planets to colonize), they go for the best planets first but then lesser ones if it passes the threshold.
Hey Zaimat been playing this game quite a bit lately. Didn't really play it after your last update and game was improved a lot, great job. I was thinking it might be more fun to make planet colonization more complex, not sure how lol, and maybe add a slider to control how fast construction would take. This a great game but seems civs all need special fleet devices that you could only steal or have them give you the tech. Make the civs more individualized. Now I know that some already do, just make it harder to acquire that tech. just thinking. My first computer was commodore 64 and I was taking cobol, fortran, and rpg in college. I made 2 games on my commodore64 which was written in basic had lot of fun, but that was long ago . just saying been gamer long time.
Planet colonization and management will be more detailed in the new game. We know some players liked not having any micro-management many others wanted to have more to do, more choices.
We are looking to add more depth by virtue of individual Buildings and Population units which will be housed on each district. This will allow more choices and specialization on colonies. Everything should also feel more tangible and easy to get a sense of how a colony is developing.
tcmots wrote:Make the civs more individualized. Now I know that some already do, just make it harder to acquire that tech.
Our primary goal has been to build a framework that is flexible enough to make this easier to accomplish and also something we can continue to work on, something that will evolve over time because it takes time.
tcmots wrote:My first computer was commodore 64 and I was taking cobol, fortran, and rpg in college. I made 2 games on my commodore64 which was written in basic had lot of fun, but that was long ago . just saying been gamer long time.
Yeah! My first computer was also a Commodore (C-128), those early days were a LOT of fun and great memories as a gamer. Later moved to an Amiga before moving to a PC.
tcmots wrote:Hey Zaimat been playing this game quite a bit lately. Didn't really play it after your last update and game was improved a lot, great job. I was thinking phenq avis france it might be more fun to make planet colonization more complex, not sure how lol, and maybe add a slider to control how fast construction would take. This a great game but seems civs all need special fleet devices that you could only steal or have them give you the tech. Make the civs more individualized. Find Now I know that some already do, just make it harder to acquire that tech. just thinking. My first computer was commodore 64 and I was taking cobol, fortran, and rpg in college. I made 2 games on my commodore64 which was written in basic had lot of fun, but that was long ago . just saying been gamer long time.
I too had a commodore64 (VDU with green background instead of black). Used it for BASIC and COBOL programming and gamming (whatever was available at that time). Moved to PC with 2 floppy disk drives (5 1/4 inches) later when I was able to afford it. But those were the days...
Last edited by AlfredDuke on Mon Oct 02, 2023 4:52 am, edited 10 times in total.
I too had a commodore64 (VDU with green background instead of black). Used it for BASIC and COBOL programming and gamming (whatever was available at that time). Moved to PC with 2 floppy disk drives (5 1/4 inches) later when I was able to afford it. But those were the days...
Wow... Your talking dinosaurs of computers there but this does remind me of something. One of the first games I owned was master of orion. I still have the original retail cd with it's unique copy protection that required you to have the manual to look things up. To get it to play I had to make a "boot disk".
Things have certainly come a long way since then especially where making games is concerned. Limitations for memory(which if you remember were in kilobytes), graphics and disk space have been pretty much removed. In my honest opinion the only real limitation one has now when they make a game is their own imagination, their programming skill, and the time they wish to invest in actually bringing their idea to life.