One Thing contest

Feature requests or ideas
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Posts: 165
Location: Minsk

One Thing contest

Post by True_poser »

Ok, that's not a real contest, because I don't have any prizes.
But the last one who posts an eligible entry wins for certain!

The rules are:
1) you name one thing you want to change*,
2) then explain how and, most importantly,
3) why do you think you'll like the result.
*)using a magic wand, no strings attached

It's like a SCP entry, but much worse.
Also, you can't overgeneralize.
You can't say "graphics", you can say "explosion effects".
You can't say "combat AI", you can say "make enemy adapt ships to rival my designs".
You can't say "research", you can say "redo generator techs".

Not necessarily it'll be interesting for everyone, but it should be interesting to you.
Think of it as of a default-off option somewhere in menus.

One Thing: realistic star types distribution.
How: by changing map generator parameters and setting the probability of a M-class star to 76%, a K-class star to 12%, etc.
Why: this will make most stars too cold and most planets poor, uninhabitable and undesirable neither for the player, nor for AI. This way a very large map can be played without much micromanagement (no sense to turn these outposts into colonies), but with enough tactical depth and with much competition for the good stars.