Improved invasion interface?

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Posts: 193

Improved invasion interface?

Post by Smiling_Spectre »

As I said already, I am missing warning window about "attacker vs defender" statistics at the start of invasion (one that is here for after-battle action). But in after-battle it's not very helpful too, just because it takes into account all my troops. When I have 300k soldiers, unload all of them on the 20k defence is not very smart move. Not saying about necessary to board it back at the next turn, missing move, and inability to invade anything else this turn.

So I have suggestion: can mentioned warning window be actually troop management window? Even simplest one would do: similar to up/down arrows for redeploying troops in the main interface. In that case I could tune how much troops I want to use for invasion, saving unnecessary down/up troop moving of too big fleets.

How is it sounds for you? :)