When I update my design "Cruiser", I want all updated ships to be named "Cruiser Mk. II". When I update this design again, new ships become "Cruiser Mk. III" and so on. It would be nice if this is done automatically. By doing it manually I noticed that ship names are too short for "Mk. " part so it would be okay if they are just enumerated with "I", "II", "III" and so on. I'd also accept arabian numbers although I prefer the roman ones.
The reason behind this is that I want to know when I'm sending old ships to combat. In the first game I did no revision marking and as a result, I had to visit every ship in every fleet every time I made a design update and I had to remember which fleet was retrofitted already when there were fleets not orbitting a starbase or a shipyard.
Automatically enumerate ships with design revision
Automatically enumerate ships with design revision
Master Of Orion 2 = Great
Master Of Orion 3 = Trash
Horizon = The real Master Of Orion 3
Master Of Orion 3 = Trash
Horizon = The real Master Of Orion 3