Enhance list of planets for easier colonizing

Feature requests or ideas
Posts: 140
Location: Berlin, Germany

Enhance list of planets for easier colonizing

Post by Xyquas »

I'd like to have a filter added to the list of planets for only showing uninhabited planets and another filter for only showing planets in neutral systems (I mean systems where no other player owns any planet).

What I want to see is:
- Which planets are colonizable in star systems I already own?
- Which planets are colonizable in star systems where no one has settled yet?

Of course this only shows known planets and no gas giants :)

And it would be great to get a "send colony ship" command in that view which is only enabled if I have idle colony ships with colonization capsules aboard.
Master Of Orion 2 = Great
Master Of Orion 3 = Trash
Horizon = The real Master Of Orion 3 :-)

Posts: 169

Re: Enhance list of planets for easier colonizing

Post by Bansheedragon »

This would be a nice thing to have added.
Its something I have actually been missing.

There are already a couple threads with suggestions for the game for the UI/galaxy map and for the tactical maps.
I suggest you post your suggestions there.

It will make it easier for everyone to read and for the devs to find things if you post your suggestions/feedback/bug reports in one thread rather than post many threads for each individual thing like you have here.
Just a friendly tip for you. :D

Posts: 140
Location: Berlin, Germany

Re: Enhance list of planets for easier colonizing

Post by Xyquas »

Bansheedragon wrote:There are already a couple threads with suggestions for the game for the UI/galaxy map and for the tactical maps.
I suggest you post your suggestions there.

It will make it easier for everyone to read and for the devs to find things if you post your suggestions/feedback/bug reports in one thread rather than post many threads for each individual thing like you have here.
Just a friendly tip for you. :D
Thanks for the advice. In fact I'd expect a sticky for threads that are followed by the dev team. It would make them easier to find. However, I came across this one:
Interface enhancements requests thread
and added links to my requests in a post there.

Nevertheless I want to explain why I'm splitting everything to a seperate thread. It's because I think that's the better way to report / request things as the thread can be directly linked to in a ticketing system commonly used by dev teams such as JIRA. Additionally it's easier to discuss one thing at a time than to refer to point #5 in post 7 from April 29 or so.

Being conscious about others having different preferences I already asked the dev team in my above mentioned post to tell which way they prefer - I hope I'll get an answer to this. If I don't, I will continue beginning dedicated threads for new topics and linking them in a main thread if I can find one I see fit.

Maybe some forum moderator could collect the main threads in a sticky so it's easy to fill them with links? These should be threads without discussions so it's just a list of requests. I've seen this in other game related forums and it worked pretty fine.

Anyway: Thanks again for your feedback. I always appreciate advices :-)
Master Of Orion 2 = Great
Master Of Orion 3 = Trash
Horizon = The real Master Of Orion 3 :-)

Posts: 169

Re: Enhance list of planets for easier colonizing

Post by Bansheedragon »

A thought occurred to me as I went to bed a few days ago.
Had to do a little searching on the site to find what I was looking for as its easy to miss.

Instead of creating many threads for each individual thing you want to discuss like you have, you could create 1 thread and then add each new bug, suggestions, etc as a reply to that topic each with its individual subject header.

Right before where it says posted and date/time of the post, there is a little white(pinkish if unread) square.
That little square is actually a link to that specific post in the thread.
So instead of linking multiple threads you could instead like to either the 1 thread or to each individual post in the thread.

It keeps things separate while still having it all in one place.