The Horizon Random events contest!

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Re: The Horizon Random events contest!

Post by laggy »

Title: Data Leak

Description: One of the Race's Technologies has been leaked.

Effect: The respective Tech becomes available for all Races.

Duration: Instant.

Beginning News Report: For what he said were ethical reasons, a scientist of the [Race] has disclosed the secret of [Technology] via interplanetary networks. As a result, the benefits of this technology are now available to all races.

Posts: 4

Re: The Horizon Random events contest!

Post by localSol »

Title: Etherspace Implosion
Description: An unexplained implosion of etherspace, leaving damage to space for a while.
Effect: Slows all ships in a large area for a limited amount of time. Larger ships are slowed more.
Duration: 22 to 45 turns
Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): None
Beginning News Report: An etherspace implosion causes damage to space and increased epsilon radiation. Ship drives will be affected, slowing them all in [sector number].
End News Report: Etherspace epsilon radiation returns to normal this week and captains and crew are relieved now that trips will be shorter in [sector number].

Title: Collapsed Subspace Tract
Description: A forming wormhole collapses, leaving an unusual effect.
Effect: Works like a large/wide not-entirely straight slowing field that connects two or more systems. Ships can move into and out of it at any place in the zoomed-in grids. The edges of the field are marked as glowing lines in the zoomed in maps and as symbols in the strategic map.
Duration: Permanent but usually connects short distances, and another also-rare random event can make it go away.
Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): Luck, none
Beginning News Report: A wormhole expected to form today near [nearest system name] collapsed subspace. Ships can move around the area that probes have marked to avoid the slower speeds of warp drives there.
End News Report: (If second random event happens) Space has apparently repaired itself, the area around [nearest system name] is back to normal and ships can move normally there again.

Title: Localized Hyperspace
Description: Experiments with hyperspace by private researchers causes a localized quasi-interdimensional hyperspace rift to open.
Effect: Works like the localized slowing field but increases ship speed. Narrower than slowing fields, and marked with different colors. Permanent, short distance but another random event can remove them. Trade routes passing through enough of the tracts get a 15% boost.
Duration: Also permanent but usually connects short distances, and another also-rare random event can make it go away.
Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): Luck, none
Beginning News Report: Researchers funded jointly by [empire 1 and empire 2] today caused a localized quasi-interdimensional hyperspace rift to open. It was accidental, they say, and moves ships inside the boundaries with no apparent bad effects.
End News Report: (If the second random event happens) : Researchers baffled today when the hyperspace rift near [nearest star system] closes. Trade is expected to suffer...

Title: Quantum Wormhole
Description: A strange wormhole forms, connecting empty space.
Effect: A wormhole with multiple exits on one end, but only one exit on the other end. It only forms in empty space, nebula, but not around stars or easy to find places like neutron stars or black holes. The ships entering can't control which of the places they will come out of of the multiple exit end. Makes for a strategic asset, can happen at map generation too. It will be far away from player start points and not detected until scanned.
Duration: Instant
Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): None
Beginning News Report: An unheard-of historical event today, scouts of the [discovering empire] found a wormhole believed to exist partly in another dimension with different quantum properties.
End News Report: N/A

Posts: 2

Re: The Horizon Random events contest!

Post by teikai »

Title: Drug Problems

Description: On one of your planets increases the rate of drug crime. Your economy is weakened.
Effect: Your industry is weakened
Duration: 10 turns
Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): None.
Beginning News Report: A significant increase in the crime covers the planet (planet here / insert system name). Primarily the medical Tiranoza-plant that grows on the entire planet and was recently endeckt only as medicine is now being abused by the locals as a drug. The government is hardly against the declining willingness to work and the fact that most of their money now illigal to earn.
End News Report: The government has finally managed to cope with the drug problem.

Title: A sleeping civilization was found in the underground.
Description: A in kryostase micro civilization was found an and you have she inadvertently awakened
Effect: 50%/50% chance what happend:
1. You must fight with she :
Win = you found a random tech.
Lose = you lost your planet and now an Hostlie(to you and all other) micro civilisation on it.

2. She want live in peace with you. Your population and your economy rises.
1. Instand(1turn?)(win = end, lose = never end until they were defeated )
2. Instand(1turn?)

Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): i don't know (?)

Beginning News Report:
1. A Small group of 5 people found in the undergound ruins and explored she. Suddenly she was attacked by a unknow enemy. Ony 1 guy heavy wouned escape and alert the government. She sent the troups out and discovered that there is a hostile civilization. Now all troups fight with she.

2. A Small group of 5 people found in the undergound ruins and explored she.They found no ruined cities before but a living civilization. Our two governments now talk to each other.

End News Report:
Win = The enemy is now defeated
Lose = From Planet (insert name here) were no more messages probably the local military was defeated. What happened with the local population is unknown but probably there are no survivors.

The governments have agreed that would be a live side by side the best for all. His assured they they will soon be completely intrigued citizens.

Posts: 1

Re: The Horizon Random events contest!

Post by Ragnokai »

Title: Do You Copy!.
Description: A sudden unknown interference with signals sent to and from allies and colonized planets is detected, which cuts communication between ships, satellites and colonies.
Duration: 6 Turns
Player/AI action to stop the event: Research(2 turns) technology "Electro-Magnetic Fluctuator" and build the "Electro-Magnetic Fluctuator"(an orbiting device).
Beginning News Report: None. News Report screen is on stand-by.
End News Report: After 6 years of radio telecommunication loss, the XXXX federation/alliance(etc.) has finally regained functionality to sending and receiving signals. The happening of this event has been rough, but government officials state that XXXX federation/alliance(etc.) can now carry on with its activities with no fear of re-occurrence.

Posts: 61

Re: The Horizon Random events contest!

Post by Cumberlow »

Title: Red Giant

Description: Star XXXX has exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core and switched to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen in its shell, giving it a reddish-orange hue as it rapidly increases in radius.

Effect: Quality of inner planets and population decreases as star XXXX incinerates the closest planets and turns habitable planets into deserts. The quality of previously barren or artic outer planets is increased allowing them to support life and a larger population as they become more habitable.

Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): Establish new colonies on outer system planets. Population growth rate on outer system planets significantly increased if inner planets colonised, as population relocates.

Beginning News Report: Star XXX has turned into a Red Giant. As the radius of star XXXX rapidly increases the inner planetary zone is being rendered uninhabitable. However, as star XXXX expands the habitable planetary zone is also extended, improving the ability of outer planets to support life and new colonies.

End of news report: The government of XXXX are drawing up plans to evacuate the population of affected inner system planets by establishing colonies on newly inhabitable outer system planets.
Last edited by Cumberlow on Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:56 am, edited 5 times in total.

Posts: 1

Re: The Horizon Random events contest!

Post by ANASTASE »

Title: Protests

Description: On one of your systems is protesting about the unfair taxation and corresponding lack of improvements in their colony. (Needs to have not had anything built in the sector for 10 turns and less than 5 improvements per planet in the sector. Must not be unification)
Effect: Productivity drops by 50% in science farming economy and industry, and by 100% in tourism.
Duration: 10 turns
Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): option 1: Commence building an entertainment building in each of the sector's planets (these constructions cannot be cancelled) or option 2: send a fleet to impose order
Beginning News Report: The colonies of Sector _____ are rising in protest against their perceived mistreatment: for too long they have been taxed without any return of investement in their system.
End News Report: option 1: The citizens of Sector _____ have stopped rioting, and joyfully return to work on the new government projects in their sector, satisfied that their protests were heard. option 2: The citizens of Sector _____ have stopped rioting, and resentfully return to work on producing goods for the glory of the race. Do nothing option: The riots of Sector _____ have subsided, and the population returns to work.

Title: Revolt

Description: A system that was previously revolting and oppressed turns into revolt. All ships on the sector turn traitor, and a new faction is created. (option 2 in the previous random event)
Effect: You loose all colonies and ships in that system.
Duration: until this new civilization is destroyed.
Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): option 1: Eliminate the other race.
Beginning News Report: The colonies of Sector _____ , that had previously been oppressed by the government finally overthrow the tyranny of their brether and create a new faction in space, the _____ Rebels.
End News Report: XXX Years after the secession of Sector _____ , the _____ Rebels are no more sending a strong message of obedience through your civilization (+5% productivity)

Posts: 61

Re: The Horizon Random events contest!

Post by Cumberlow »

Title: Rogue Planet

Description: A rogue planet is captured by star XXXX

Effect: A new planet containing exotic materials or life is added to the system

Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): None. Player may colonise new planet to gain a special bonus.

Beginning News Report: A planetary-sized object adrift in the vast expanses of cold interstellar space has been captured by the gravitational pull of star XXXX and settled into a stable orbit around its new host. It is speculated that the new planet contains exotic materials and new forms of geothermal life.

End of new report: Colonisation of rogue planet XXXX has led to the discovery of new exotic materials and life forms leading to new scientific breakthroughs.

Posts: 6

Re: The Horizon Random events contest!

Post by lyquid69 »

Title : Einstein's back!

Description : You now have a scientist with an unbelievable IQ. Whatever field you put him in will give you that tech in 2 turns or less.

Duration: Random 2-20 turns (years)

Beginning News Report: Top scientist bending all the rules!

End News Report: Top scientist dies of rare brain disease.

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Location: Toronto, Canada

Re: The Horizon Random events contest!

Post by Zaimat »

The Contest is now closed! Thank you everyone for participating and providing some great ideas for random events! We will be reviewing them all and announce the winners soon!
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

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Dev. Team
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Location: Toronto, Canada

Random Events Contest Results:

Post by Zaimat »

Hello everyone,

After much deliberation, our 3 galactic event "experts" have completed reviewing all the submissions!
The picks were based on originality, fun factor and feasibility as random events.

Here are our top 12 winners (in no particular order)!

- Rush'in Roulette by CellNav
- Hacker raid by Yarodin
- Space Monster Spawning Grounds by Teksun
- Intergalactic Ghost Ship by localsol
- Zero Point Energy Fluctuations by GDJOnline
- Data Leak by laggy
- Ancient Relic Draws Tourists by Numidianmerk
- Einstein's back! by lyquid69
- Protests by ANASTASE
- Plague by CC
- Sleeping civilization by Teikai
- Red Giant by Cumberlow

We will begin to implement these submissions. If your submission wasn't selected that doesn't mean that it will not be in the future, there were a lot of quality submissions and we would like to integrate as many of them as possible over time.

Also some of the best ones were multi-stage events that while awesome were in a category of their own, what I call as "Major events". We had to exclude these so we could get as many of the standard events as possible done now, but you will likely see some of them added in the future.

Thank you all for participating, we had a lot of fun reading them and we hope you will enjoy them in game even more!

Note: I will update this thread as they are implemented.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

Posts: 1

Re: The Horizon Random events contest!

Post by Zanatomic »

Title: Cosmic VIsitor
Description: A comet passes through the atmosphere and explodes above a desolite area, creating a mineral resource.
Effect: Production increase 2%.
Duration: 10 turns
Player/AI action to stop the event (optional): None
Beginning News report: A comet has exploded over (Random planet) showering the ground with mineable minerals!
End News Report: The minerals has been gathered and can be used tb boost production.