where can i find planetary "specials" list with stats?

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where can i find planetary "specials" list with stats?

Post by boogerbooger »

First post here. I looked through 6-8 pages of this forum but i can not find what i am looking for. When i mouse over the "special" resources on a planet i only get the stats from the 2nd one. If the extras have Monuments and Vistas. I only see the stats from Vistas. Is there a list here that has all the stats for the special resources on the planets?

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Re: where can i find planetary "specials" list with stats?

Post by Zaimat »

Here are the bonuses.

Natives provide a +50% bonus to food production
Intelligent Life-forms provide a 50% bonus to research

Vistas provide a +50% bonus to tourism
Monuments provide a +100% bonus (doubles) tourism

Gold deposits give a 250mc base and +25% bonus from workforce tax income (requires a mining colony - industry buildings above others)
Gem deposits give a 500mc base bonus +50% bonus from population tax income (requires a mining colony - industry buildings above others)

The tooltips for these should be displaying them but I'll check if they don't when multiple bonuses are on the same colony.
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