Ok massive text here but after finishing the game twice within 24 hours I have a few suggestions
1) Tech tree is really nice, just needs a bit more filling out, explanations of the tech, a small text would be nice, some of them are blank. It would be nice if towards end game you have special projects which you can build.
2) Ships don't bombard properly when in Auto mode, this really ruins the experience. Would be nice to have a bombard button which makes all of the ships drop their bombs without having to do all this manually, like in MOO2 (provided there are no defending ships around)
3) Needs the option to choose which victory conditions are active when beginning the game
4) What is really missing is a proper colony overview which shows what each of your colonies are building and the star system overview is somewhat clunky at the moment
5) I like the various missions that come up they are good
6) Would be nice to have some random events, nothing too earth shattering but small things would cool, e.g. Crop failure, this planet has -2 Food production for the next 10 turns or Solar Flare or rare minerals were found, +5 Production for next 10 turns
7) Trade and economic management is totally missing at the moment

Taxes should influence citizen's contentment like in Gal Civ II
9) Would be nice to be able to play the other races, this is probably coming soon
10) I like the cut scenes on the alien homeworlds, nice touch
11) At end game it would be cool if a super powerful alien race randomly spawns which you perhaps need your allies help to defeat (this should be optional when you start a game). Upon defeat of their capital ships you gain tech otherwise not available normally, e.g. Antarians in MOO2
12) Auto explore option for scouts would be nice
13) A cancel button for invasions please! Not just "begin"!
14) Would be nice to somehow upgrade space stations, mine were stuck with Lasers right up to the end when enemies attacked me with particle weapons
15) It is annoying and time consuming having to park your ships in orbit around a planet just to pick up more troops, being in the star system should be enough to reload your transports. The soldiers have in-system shuttles
16) Race specific tech generally not available to other races except via trade or spying would be cool
17) Colony building such as Internal Police or Surveillance System could be used to defend against enemy spies
18) Ship overview that allows you to upgrade your ships, possible that I just didn't see it but at the end of the game I had cruisers with lasers from early on based upon designs no longer in use and cruisers with crystal and particle beams. A bit of a mismatch.
19) Regarding Trade it would be cool to have rare /exotic trade goods, e.g. Tzu Crystals or Tritanium found on only one or two planets in the galaxy. Possession of these goods has empire bonuses e.g. If you have a colony on the planet with the Crystals then Beam weapons are 10% better or if you have Tritanium then your ships have 10% more HP or another good then your scientists research 10% better, stuff like that. These goods can be traded to other empires unlike the bonuses from special projects. This would reward the player for surveying.
20) Jump Gates would be great! At end game I was stuck moving my ships to conquer the last enemy planet and it took 15 turns just to get there
Ok so I realize that is a lot, even just a couple of these ideas would really improve the game.
Thank you