Horizon release version, 153, 154, 155

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Horizon release version, 153, 154, 155

Post by Zaimat »

December 26, 2023

Load Troops
* Increased the allowed range for ships to complete a Load Troops order from the assigned planet. This helps complete the order even when they are pulled away from the planet for combat in the same turn, so long as they remain in the same system.

* Fixed an issue with this event due to recent updates, it should now work correctly once again.

* Adjusted some of the new tooltips that were too long in french localization.


October 15, 2023

This update optimizes the game textures footprint in system and video memory, reducing by 30%.

Tactical Combat (QOL)
* A selected ship's weapons status are now displayed without necessarily hovering on a target or moving the mouse on the lower panel.


October 8, 2023

This Hotfix should address a crash when viewing/engaging certain quest mobs in tactical. Our apologies, this bug was inadvertently introduced with yesterday's optimization update.


October 7, 2023

Just a minor update optimizing game startup loading of assets.

* Unit and ship assets will only be loaded to memory for races that are in the current game.
* Ship assets progress bar percentage will now show on the "please wait" screen
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf