Suggestions for increased immersion

Feature requests or ideas
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Re: Suggestions for increased immersion

Post by Zaimat »

1. I'll review the ground combat regarding using their best hand weapon.

2. Simple reason was for balance, did not want Star bases to become too powerful. Do you find them needing more punch or more survivability? The last update ( made some changes that benefited starbases, do you still feel they are 'lacking' ?

3. Bigger maps is not something we can do easily or definitely we would have liked to do it. This is something that would require an expansion/sequel to realize.

4. No offense taken and I appreciate the honest feedback. Art and graphics is an area we hope to make major improvements with our next game.

5. Noted suggestion.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

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Re: Suggestions for increased immersion

Post by Anguille »

I wouldn't mind stronger star bases.
I may not post so much...but i am here watching!

Kuntari rule the galaxy: an Horizon AAR

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Re: Suggestions for increased immersion

Post by Wenla »

Anguille wrote:I wouldn't mind stronger star bases.
You have to have a vision before you can define your strategy