slower Research

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slower Research

Post by Valisk »

Is it possible to decrease the Research?

Maybe to increase the Techcost?
or with a new ability?
or to decrease the resaerch output from building?

Would be nice, because so the game is to fast.

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Re: slower Research

Post by Zaimat »

Thanks for your feedback. Yes it would be nice if we had a slider to adjust it in game.

Right now the Game difficulty setting affects Research Production (and other things as well). That's the quickest way without changes.

Very Easy = +20%
Easy = +10%
Normal = +0%
Hard = -10%
Very Hard = -20%

Other option would be to make a mod and change tech costs. (not exposed)
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

Posts: 2

Re: slower Research

Post by Valisk »

Thanks for your answer.

Where i can see what all the difficult levels change?
But i think is still to fast then, is it possibile to edit the difficult levels or the Reasarch cost for each technology?
I haven´t found the files for it.

The game is fantastic, but to fast.

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Re: slower Research

Post by Zaimat »

The difficulty level changes are not shown in the game. But the tech progress will be affected by the values I mentioned in my previous post.
This data is in code only so it is not possible to modify right now through the text XML files.

In my previous post I said you can mod but after reviewing 'the research cost values' aren't exposed to modding. They would be in tech_stats.xml if they were.

So currently some ways to affect would be:
- Difficulty setting
- Qty of stars in the game
- Qty of "habitable planets"
- Max Qty of "planets per system"
- Research aptitude (can make a mod reducing for all races)

If I get a chance to do a new update to Horizon, It will be one of the first things I'll add a research speed slider on the main menu.

Happy to hear you like the game and enjoy it!
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf