[Bug] Unlimited troops provided by Transporters

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[Bug] Unlimited troops provided by Transporters

Post by Herode »

How to reproduce the bug :

- send a Transporter (with troops, mine have 20000 soldiers each) in a system with a colony
- set it to Unload troops on the colony
- end the turn
- on t+1, the cololny has 20000 new soldiers (ok) but the Transporter also receives 20000 new men.

Related notification : "Transporter (T121) has received a full quota of troops from ." (the message is in french here, this is a translation)

Of course, the new 20000 troops can also be Unloaded, giving +40000 troops in 2 turns for the planet.
And so on...

NB : tested on a colony without any Stellar Base

I just hope the IA does not exploit this feature :mrgreen:

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Re: [Bug] Unlimited troops provided by Transporters

Post by Zaimat »

Yes, I can confirm this is definitely exploitable currently as you found out. As long as there is a colony in system with barracks it is possible to use this trick (the AI does not use it).

The unload troops is meant to re-enforce other colonies or outposts with troops. For gameplay reasons (so the player doesn't have to wait, and to make invasions more accessible) when re-supplied with new troops it doesn't subtract from the available pool on the ground (it only checks that barracks exist and the amount available determines the max amount it can supply per turn to each ship).

Thanks Herode for bringing it up.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

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Re: [Bug] Unlimited troops provided by Transporters

Post by Lithari »

Never really noticed it, since I always make sure to have a barracks on every colony I make.