Feedback - Clicking on ships and initiative

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Feedback - Clicking on ships and initiative

Post by alanschu »

Hi there,

Apologies if this has already come up, but I figured I'd share it juuuust in case, as I am finding it a challenging aspect for the UX in a game that otherwise has been pretty enjoyable.

In battle, LMB selects ships. LMB also moves the currently selected ship. It is actually quite frequent for me to accidentally click on another ship while moving in tight formations. This appears to then select that ship, skipping any and all ships between my current ship and the one I have selected, often with negative consequences.

Given the initiative based system, I'd personally not allow ships to be selected at all (MOO 2 was this way, IIRC), and if someone wants to skip their ships, they just hit Enter through the cycle of ships. Skipping 20 ships in a large 30 vs 30 fleet battle will undoubtedly lead to non-sensical omission of moves, however, and I'm not sure the benefit of the feature is really necessary, and certainly not with the current potential risks.

It seems more likely if I am using fighters too, since they can be easy to accidentally click on.



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Re: Feedback - Clicking on ships and initiative

Post by FrozenFallout »


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Re: Feedback - Clicking on ships and initiative

Post by Zaimat »

Hi Allan thanks for your feedback. This was something we added late in beta just prior to launch because some players had requested it.

I think what we will do is, make it a game option so you can turn it off at will. Will try to add this soon.

Just as a fyi, when you click on another ship, it sends all ships in between to the end of the round (same as clicking the wait button, so you don't lose the round) unless they are already at the end in which case it moves on to next round.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf