by Thorn (bbmike)
Updated 2/16/2017
Current version is 1.0 ===> Star Trek Mod
I think the mod is now ready for its 1.0 release! I've add a total of 8 Star Trek races to the game. I may add the last three at some point. The only thing I need to do is figure out how to change all of the race's default information (philosophy, temperament, behavior, etc. ). I recommend until then you set those values manually to your liking before starting a game. Again, please report any issues/suggestions here. I still plan to update this mod. I'm not 100% happy with some of the graphics and will probably continue to tweak.
Mod Version 1.0
-Added the Cardassians, Lyrans and Tholians
-Custom ship graphics (for all three)
-Custom game text (for all three)
-Custom leader movie (just a picture) (for all three)
-Added diplomacy pictures for all races
-Added marines/invasion images for all races
Mod Version 0.5
-Added the Kzinti Hegemony
-Custom ship graphics
-Custom game text
-Custom leader movie (just a picture)
This eventually will be a complete Star Trek Mod for Horizon. I plan to change all of the included races in the base game into races found in Star Trek. I hope to have custom graphics and settings for each race. I will try to customize as much as the game will allow.
Note: At first I had attempted to covert 3D models into 2D sprites like the base game currently uses. I spent a lot of time finding good models and converting/resizing them. I was never really happy with the finishedlook of the results. Since there are a lot more 2D Star Trek ship graphics available I decided to use those instead. The in-game results look much better to me.
Please report any bugs/issues/requests in this forum.
A few screenshots