Good evening all,
I apologize if this has been already discussed but will there be race specific technologies? Also will there be an option in upgrading starbases ourselves? Will there be Asteroid fields that can be mined, nebulae, wormholes, (comets & asteroids -scenario format) binary stars & jungle planets (solar systems) and rogue planets (potential of a collision scenario) added in the future? Also will there be minor races (non playable) but can be conquered, allied or join become part of the empire (something like how star trek birth of the federation had) providing unique ships and technologies to the player and AI (whichever align with)? v/r.
Unique Bui9ldings, Technologies, effects
Re: Unique Bui9ldings, Technologies, effects
Well, right now, you can modify your starbases yourself, which is cool, asteroids and gas giants would be cool if they were mineable or useful to some extent, alot of those questions would be cool features to have in the game.