The Horizon Deluxe Edition DLC has been released and is now available for purchase.
Over the years we made numerous major and minor updates and I can say without hesitation that each and every one was exciting for us as the game improved but this one is a little more special as it is our very first DLC ever, so we hope you like and enjoy it!
- L3O Horizon Team
Horizon - Deluxe Edition DLC Steam Store Page
DLC Notes:
Graphical update to ships
All ships in-game have been remastered, their resolution increased by 200% with sharper details.
Note: The Texture Quality setting should be set to Medium or High (default).
Graphical update to characters
All animated characters have been remastered, their resolution increased by 150% with sharper or improved details. This is even more noticeable on high resolution monitors. Additionally some still images for the tutorial / human quests also received updates.
Digital Horizon Soundtrack, Art and other Goodies
The Soundtrack, the wallpapers and all other content can be found under the Horizon Installation Folder. To navigate there "Right-click" on Horizon under your Steam Library then select "Manage", "Browse Local Files".
Horizon [] Update Notes
Start Game Settings
* Added text labels to the Research Speed sliders to give an indication in terms of slower/faster
* Important combat messages are now displayed closer to the action for better feedback to the player. The combat log window will still show all messages.
* Improved messaging feedback during boarding combat