AI colonizes planet I started colonizing first.

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Posts: 169

AI colonizes planet I started colonizing first.

Post by Bansheedragon »

I dont know what the devs think, but I would classify this as a bug.

I recently started a new game, and during a recent turn I had sent a colony ship to a system I wanted to colonize.
When it arrived I told the ship to colonize the planet I wanted.
The very next turn the AI comes into the same system and proceeds to colonize the system right under my nose, despite the fact that I already started colonizing it the previous turn.

I noticed that the AI could colonize the planet the same turn, where as I have to wait at least until the next turn, sometimes 2 turns before the planet is colonized.

If I have already started the process of colonizing the planet the AI should not be able to colonize the same planet, and if I have to wait at least until the next turn to have it colonized, then so should the AI.

Since I already progressed past that turn by a few turns, I'll send in a bug report on this one, then the devs can have a look at it , and perhaps be able to explain what happened.

Posts: 267

Re: AI colonizes planet I started colonizing first.

Post by keller »

I think during the primary stages of colonization (when it is still an outpost) that in cases where more than one race colonizes it that it goes to which ever race puts the most colonists on the planet.

Posts: 169

Re: AI colonizes planet I started colonizing first.

Post by Bansheedragon »

After bug reporting it I got a reply from support.
Just to point out, it was not an outpost, the planet was uncolonized
While it looked on the galaxy map like the AI was 1 turn away from the system, it was actually at the edge of the system.
And it arrived at the planet in question before me because it had faster engines than me.

The second part about the AI colonizing in the same turn has something to do with the UI if I recall right, and is something they are looking into.

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Location: Toronto, Canada

Re: AI colonizes planet I started colonizing first.

Post by Zaimat »

With the next update we are adding a one turn wait for the AI before it can colonize a planet upon arrival to balance things better with the player.

This was because the player has to (A) move (if different sector), wait for the turn end and (B) order to colonize. With the change the AI will be constrained in similar fashion.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf