Minor thing: Randomize home system planets for custom races

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Minor thing: Randomize home system planets for custom races

Post by eidolad »


One major disadvantage for Earthlings is the fixed, horrible solar system planets. Would like an option to "randomize home system planet size/number/quality".

What if I'm role-playing "The Twelve Colonies" or some such, or Omnedon's people from "The Price of the Phoenix" classic Trek novel, and didn't start in the Sol System eh?

A really minor ask since there are these other nifty aliens to customize and play with.

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Re: Minor thing: Randomize home system planets for custom r

Post by Zaimat »

{updated: 17/08/2015}

Excellent point. With today's update you can do this with a bit of modding!

1. Make a new folder called "The Twelve Colonies" under
C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\mods\

2. Create a sub-folder "races" in your new folder
C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\mods\The Twelve Colonies\races\

3. Launch Horizon and make a new race template using the Humans (race04) as default. You can edit the template further later. Quit the game.

4. Copy the race04 template folder from
C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\races\
into the mods folder you just created
C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\mods\The Twelve Colonies\races\

5. In your mods folder under templates you can delete the .har files and name your template.xml and template_lang.xml to default.xml and default_lang.xml
C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\mods\The Twelve Colonies\races\race04\templates\

Modify either or both the NumberOfPlanetsInSystem or PositionFromTheSun from it's default values.

Save and start Horizon. Click the Mods button and enable your new mod in the list. Then Restart the game.

Your modified template is now available to play with and will have random planet types in the system. You can further modify it in-game race customization as well.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

Posts: 60

Re: Minor thing: Randomize home system planets for custom r

Post by eidolad »

Coolness level exceeded!


Posts: 60

Re: Minor thing: Randomize home system planets for custom r

Post by eidolad »


I'm unable to get a custom race enabled. I just want to set NumberOfPlanetsInSystem = 6. I'm getting an appcrash no matter what the settings for in

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\mods\The Twelve Colonies\races\Race04\templates\Default.xml


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\mods\The Twelve Colonies\races\Race04\templates\The Twelve Colonies.xml

...but I suspect some other issue as per the errorlog.txt:

12/27/14 22:16:16 ERROR CRace::GetPollutionEffectOnPopulation() received invalid planetNum

I will submit a crash report, referencing this forum thread.

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Re: Minor thing: Randomize home system planets for custom r

Post by Zaimat »

When you set

make sure that homeworld position is set to equal or smaller otherwise it can cause a crash

Assuming there are no other changes that should be working. If not, can you send the template to support at horizongame.com and I'll check or you can post the template here.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

Posts: 45
Location: Toronto, ON Canada

Re: Minor thing: Randomize home system planets for custom r

Post by Flinx »

Zaimat wrote:Excellent point. With today's update you can do this with a bit of modding!

1. Make a new folder called "The Twelve Colonies" under
C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\mods\

2. Launch Horizon and make a new race template using the Humans as default. You can edit the template further later. Quit the game.

3. Copy the race04 template folder from
C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\races\
into the mods folder you just created
C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\mods\The Twelve Colonies\

4. open to edit the default.xml in your mods folder
C:\program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Horizon\mods\The Twelve Colonies\race04\template\

Modify either or both the NumberOfPlanetsInSystem or PositionFromTheSun from it's default values.

Save and start Horizon. Click the Mods button and enable your new mod in the list. Then Restart the game.

Your modified template is now available to play with and will have random planet types in the system. You can further modify it in-game race customization as well.
I cannot seem to get this to work--Humans always start with the real solar systyem. There is no default.xml just a default.har file. I named my template Human1 and there is both a Human1.xml and a Human1.har but editing Human1.xml to NumberOfPlanetsInSystem=8 and PositionFromTheSun=4 has no effect.
"Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
Ex Circuit Boi wannabe

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Posts: 1427
Location: Toronto, Canada

Re: Minor thing: Randomize home system planets for custom r

Post by Zaimat »

I've updated my original post, it was missing the races folder in the instructions. Sorry about that. Let me know if you still can't get it to work.
Horizon - Lead Designer | a.k.a. Raf

Posts: 45
Location: Toronto, ON Canada

Re: Minor thing: Randomize home system planets for custom r

Post by Flinx »

Excellent! That worked.
"Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
Ex Circuit Boi wannabe